family bonding – what a load of CoC

The Wife went to visit some friends with the kids for half term. Sans moi. Great time had by all.

The Wife came back very excited with a new big idea for a family bonding activity – CoC (Clash of Clans to the uninitiated). As I’m not the most digitally adventurous these computer games have largely passed me by. As a kid I tended to have real friends with whom we were usually out doing real things, like knock-down-ginger or playing wallie-ball.  At least we were on the same continent. But apparently things are different nowadays.

Anyway, the grand idea was to start playing CoC with the kids, as a way to share a common interest and bond as a family. All our trendy friends were doing it so it must be a good idea.

We finally all got our apps sorted out and when it came time to join a clan, I found myself last in the queue for barbarian buddies.

Luckily The Wife had a great idea, why don’t I join a clan with her brother, he likes computer games. A couple of issues came to mind here. Me leading a digital band of marauding bandits plundering the wastes of the internet – it doesn’t quite work. Plus there is the matter of the brother in law. There’s a reason he likes computer games.

Andy drives a van like the A-Team had. Dark windows, big wheels and when you open the doors blue lights turn on. Yep.

I loved the A-Team. I just don’t want the van parked in front of the house so the neighbours can see it. I often lament my failure to do adequate due dil on the prospective family, but I was less experienced and distracted by the exotic accent and lacy undies. My bad.

Before I could say “barch attack with goblins” I was dragged into a clan naming session with The Wife and Mr T.

Ideas were slow in coming: papas gang, various combinations of the family names, stuff that would really strike fear in to the hearts of the enemy.

We dialled up the fear factor and searched for something a bit more gore-y: pirates of death, pirates of doom, warriors of doom, deadly warrior pirates of doom… As the night dragged on and with hope fading of finding a way out with any dignity, we settled for the catchy “nites de la muerte”*. At least I could go to bed.

Bizarrely we have been stuck in a clan of 2 for weeks. The kids have joined other clans with dragons and wizards a-go-go. And cooler names.  Apparently they communicate by messenger and don’t need to use a phone.

The kids are bonding in their corrner, and I’m bonding with the brother in law. Another great plan from The Wife that I got talked into.

And all this has left The Wife free to plunder Groupon.

But watch this space – the “nites de la muerte”* are on the war path.




*Name definitely changed for anonymity.

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