Use soap when washing…?

The kids are getting bit older now and we are starting to try to get them to be a bit more autonomous. I think in millennial / gen z language it is now termed as being “resilient”.

Bath time with the kids used to be so much fun. All the kids in the bath tub splashing about for hours on end.



But sadly that era is drawing to an end.




The kids now are given the responsibility to wash themselves. They have been left unsupervised for a few months now. begrudgingly they even have a shower. Which was a struggle to convince them that this was not such a horrible experience. And it had the added benefit of reducing our water bill.

Everything was going well. The kids would be told to go and have a shower and they would merrily run off to the bathroom. This had been going on for several months.

“number 2 it’s your time for a shower. I think you need to wash your hair this time.” I suggested one evening.

“ok” was the reply from number 2.

“use the shampoo for your hair and not the soap” I thought it was best to clarify the difference.

“That’s ok as I don’t use the soap” number 2 affirmed

“errr. Do you mean you never use soap or just not for your hair?” I was starting to get that worried feeling again

“no. never use the soap in the shower” number 2 looked at me as though I was stupid

“hhhmm, so when you wash in the shower do you use any soap? I was just trying to clarify my misunderstanding

“oh. Did you want me to wash with soap?”

“yes. The soap helps clean you. Not just the water.” I was beginning to see my error. “so all this time you haven’t been using soap?”

“well you didn’t say I should use soap.” Number 2 looked hurt.

“well, can you use soap. On your body.”