the eyes and noses in Parliament

We had overcome our initial Brexit worries about having to move up North.

We have been following the Brexit goings on in Parliament, number 2 is quite keen on following the events and last night even watched the live vote in Parliament for Theresa May’s Deal with Europe. Unfortunately for Theresa it didn’t go that well, but the final announcement was pure Parliamentary theatre.

number 2 was a little confused at the announcement.

“why are the faces involved?” she asked curiously

“what do you mean by the faces?” I was confused.


“why are there noses, and why are they only counting the noses on the left?”



I was even more confused now.


“and why are there eyes?

Are they counting each one or pairs?

And why only on the right?”


she was looking more confused than me.

She showed me the video clip again.

“ahhh” I exclaimed.


An obvious point of confusion, Mr Speaker.