when i was a kid we had simple aspirations. I wanted to be a train driver, some of my mates wanted to be footballers or astronauts. real tangible jobs that did something.
now, it might be true that none of us actually did what we dreamed about; some are lawyers, no one did anything sporty, one lad did time for insider trading, and i make powerpoint slides. But at least we are real.
At my primary school, a JMI (junior mixed infants), we didn’t have an end of year school book. I think they only did that in America. but now our kids spend the whole year thinking about what they are going to put in it, I need an epic selfie to go in the EYB.
I don’t know what previous years put in theirs, but i am sure that we could tell a great deal from the “my dream job” section. The current crop of millennials would be interesting to revisit. I wonder if they put in their “my dream job” bit: feckless, pseudo-multi-tasker, pulling sickies with RSI from excessive texting.
Number 1 finally left primary school, and much to my dismay there were no prospective train drivers, no astronauts/jet pilots and only one footballer.
but, out of a year containing 47 kids, 9 put as their dream job – youtuber or social media star!
19% want to be a youtuber!!!!!!!!!!
i don’t know where it all went wrong. but it has gone seriously pear shaped.
Those 19% are so going to be disappointed with PowerPoint.