rewards at school…

the kid’s school is trying to be very modern. moving with the times and all that. the dinner money is no longer payment by cheque but it has moved to on-line payments and finger print recognition.

we even have an App where we get updates on the kid’s timetable. And their commendations and punishments. previously we would only receive a letter a few weeks after the kids had served their detention. or if the kids got a commendation for some good work they might show us the paper certificate. if they hadn’t lost it,  or remembered, or could be bothered.

but now we have the App we get instant updates on all the misdemeanors and rewards.

sometimes the information is so sparse that we have no idea what really happened. some of the time we don’t really want to know.

but we are intrigued to know what the polar bears did with their electricity…


*C3 = punishment: detention

†R3= Reward: house points