mushrooms or sea slugs – number 2

just because number 1 doesn’t like mushrooms, number 2 has also decided she doesn’t like them. really frustrating. and no amount of coaxing will change her mind.

One day I was making one of my “special” dishes. this entails chucking some random ingredients together and letting it stew/simmer for a while. I got a bit carried away and threw in some fancy Japanese mushrooms. the long textured things.

i served it up and there were some angry looking faces.

number 2 remarked that it looked like there were some odd looking things in the dish, and that she might not want them.

In a stroke of genius and quick thinking on my feet, I said that they were not mushrooms but…

sea slugs.

they did look like they might have been from the sea and they looked like they could have been slimey.

it just came out before i could really think of anything else.

but fair play, she only raised an eyebrow. and had a chew.

“are you sure they are not mushrooms?”

I was quite suprised that my Sea slug had got this far.

“definitely Sea slugs, mushrooms aren’t that long”

“they are a bit wierd, a bit too chewy”

but there were no tantrums or pushing stuff around the plate to make it look like it had disappeared or been eaten.

a bit of a result.

i must have got a bit cocky, as a few days later I tried another “special dish”. slightly inspired by Chicken Chasseur. it had Chicken. some other bits. and mushrooms.

I reconned that I had got number 2 to eat mushrooms without any adverse effects, so this time i could come clean.

On the plate it went.

But number 2 was quick this time.

“those look like mushrooms”

there was  a bit of proding with the fork. i got given the suspicious eyes.

They weren’t the Japanese type but those little button ones. I wasn’t sure if i could get away with the old Sea slug routine again. perhaps baby sea slugs. before they grew up to become long and thin…

but number 2 beat me to it.

“they weren’t Sea slugs last time. you tricked me.”



mushrooms – number 1

Our kids aren’t really fussy eaters.  We try to give them a taste of everything. and persist but after a fair few goes we do finally give in. They don’t do too badly. fruit is a bit tricky, but the real issue is mushrooms.

Number 1 used to love them. from an early age she couldn’t get enough of them.

Gran, who loves to pretend that she is giving them healthy food latches on to the latest fruit or veg they show an interest in and plies it down their throats. which is then followed up by loads of “treats”, ‘cos they did so well.

This time it was mushrooms.

one lunch she had made a plate full of mushrooms, thinly sliced and lightly sautéed.

Gran was very proud, number 1 was wolfing them down. mouthfuls of them. it didn’t look like they were being chewed a lot.

there must have been an overload some where between number 1’s mouth and stomach.

Before we knew it a projectile mass of semi-digested but intact mushrooms returned into the plate. there were also some extra bits. but pretty much it was the previous contents that had come back. that just smelt a bit bad.

number 1 has never eaten mushrooms since. and we haven’t really pushed it.