Homework – 4 wheels 2 axles challenge

No1 came back from school with some homework. They had to make a car with 4 wooden wheels and 2 axles that were provided. The car is then rolled down a ramp and the one that goes the furthest wins. Obviously it is a task for the kids and the parents were only to help with the tricky bits and maybe the use of power tools. They’ll learn lots about Newton’s laws, planning, designing, putting things together, and loads of other stuff that must be in the National Curriculum. Better than thinking creatively about how they might colour a poster for a “sharing” assembly.

But in the class there is some stiff competition. One dad works in F1, in the aerodynamics department, another builds laser machines, another is helping design a fusion reactor, plus lots of other clever technical type people. I make powerpoint slides. Things are looking bleak for a win.

Plus there will be an event where students and parents all get together to watch the competition. Public glory/humiliation is at stake.

The initial design is looking like it will have trouble moving with the wheels glued to the chassis. Which is an egg box. Competitor intelligence is indicating that the wind tunnel results are promising and Team Laser’s initial mass/wheel base calculations just need fine tuning. At least ours will have a tastefully coordinated colour scheme with actual drivers in the car.

I even found a few bits of wood from the shed to make a test ramp. Proof to The Wife that all those random bits of wood do actually come in handy at some point.

Trial and error (thanks to my ramp) actually helped improve the design. Now the wheels turn and we get to the bottom of the ramp. The house brick on top of the egg box was also ditched.

It’s amazing how long the aesthetics take on these technical projects. As we changed our focus to winning the “best colour scheme” award. Good to know one’s strengths.

Big event. Ramp somewhat bigger than mine, course is roped off, winners podium, BBQ is cranked up, and megaphone that works. Fair dues to the staff as it all looks quite professional. Some playful banter between the dads, but you can tell everyone is a bit nervous. Discrete peeks at the competition. Ours looked like it is in with a chance in the “best colour scheme”. It even looked like a few of the kids made their cars on their own.

F1 appears to be made of carbon fiber. Looks suspiciously like it could hold its own at Silverstone. Team Fusion Reactor appears to have a paella on top. Someone copied an early version of our house brick design. No1 obviously succeeded in implementing our false information deception strategy.

We didn’t win the “best colour scheme” award. Didn’t even get on the podium.

But we came second in the main event. Only lost by 4cms to Team Laser. Gutted.

wheels challenge barbie car