Sharks and Fishes – a game for all the family

One of the kid’s favourite games in the garden is Sharks & Fishes. We spend hours trying to outwit each other in this battle of cunning and daring.

The idea of the game is for one person to be the “shark”, who has to prevent the others, the “fish”, from getting from one end of the garden to the other. When the “fish” are caught they then turn into carnivorous seaweed who help to catch the remaining “fish”. The seaweed has to remain where it was caught, wave its arms about but not change location. Once all the “fish” are caught, the next game can start. To make things even harder the “shark” can use any technique to lure the “fish” out so they can be caught while moving from one end to the other. This is where cunning can be deployed.

Everyone who comes to visit is roped into this game. Obviously those that move a bit slower than the kids are their favourite participants.

After many years of this game, number 2 had obviously spent some time thinking very deeply about it.

“I don’t think Uncle Arix was in the Army” number 2 stated one lunchtime.

Uncle Arix has always been a bit vague about his past military career. But the kids like the fact that he can hold his breath for a very long time and is good at tracking wild animals. And he likes sharpening knives.

“why do you think that?” we wondered

“well, he is rubbish at Sharks & Fishes” number 2 asserted confidently.

“He can never catch us. And he thinks that by hiding behind the shed we don’t know where he is”

“also, he always pretends he is looking the wrong way. But we know he is secretly trying to look out of the corner of his eye”

“perhaps you are just really good at the game?” I tried to cover for uncle Arix

“Yes I am good, but he is still not very good at hiding. He couldn’t have been in the Army.” number 2 was sure.

“maybe they didn’t train for Sharks & Fishes in the Army?” I was still batting for Uncle Arix

“he should still be better at hiding.”

“and his secret looking needs much more training”

“I wouldn’t have him in my Army!”

breakfast cereal wars – revenge – part 2

well, we thought that the 2 kids had outgrown their cereal turf war (see Breakfast cereal wars & Breakfast cereal wars – revenge).

nearly 3 years later they are still at it.

number 2 has just gone away with the school for a week. the house was a bit uncharacteristically quiet.

we opened one of the lesser used cupboard doors to get something or other, and hey presto…

another cunning hiding place for the cereals

number 2 was hiding a secret reserve stash of cereals for when she comes back.