why are you wasting money on that?

With The Wife’s new found love of gardening, our propagation facilities were deemed inadequate. And I had just finished my “to do” list that I had been given over the Spring.

So, with Summer coming, and not wanting me to be idle or relax in the hammock on a warm summer’s day, the need for “something to grow the plants” was required. Apparently.

After several Sunday afternoons in various Garden Centres looking at green houses, and an extensive search of Pinterest® it was decided that we needed a Victorian Potting shed. Plus it would be fancier than anything the neighbours had.

Generously I was given 4 weekends to complete the task.


I had just finished installing the last pane of glass, and was sitting back admiring the feat of modern engineering, when number 2 joined me.

“why are we wasting our money on that?” number 2 congratulated me in her veiled complimentary way.

“well, because mummy needs a place to grow her plants” I offered the party line on its justification.

“it is a complete waste of money. We should be spending our money on more useful things” number 2 wasn’t having any of it. and she had also appropriated “our money” as her money.

“we should be spending our money on my Christmas presents!”

Hopefully the plants will flourish and make it all worthwhile.

Glamorous Gardening

Since we moved out of the big city to a home with a garden, The Wife has discovered her green fingers.

This came a bit slowly but has been gathering pace and growing in confidence. so much so that no opportunity to wield a pair of secateurs is missed.

even though we have had  our garden for a few years, The wife can’t let go of some of the big city habits.

Gardening has to be done in the correct attire, and you can’t look too scruffy. just in case someone might pop round and see you.

but sometimes the shoes have to be a bit more sensible…