fathers day – fractions

Today was father’s day. Which is a strange name for it, as usually after the ceremonial breakfast in bed and card, my special treatment is over. It should be called father’s short morning respite before having to tidy the shed, cut the hedge, fix the bikes, re-grout the shower, and do a run to the tip. Day.

But number 2 was particularly cute on one of these days. We had been doing some maths home work that weekend, fractions, as I recall.

And number 2 was keen to show off her new-found skills and stated,

“daddy has one third of my heart”

“oh, who has the other parts”, i was keen to see where this maths based show of affection would lead.

I also had some odd thoughts running through my mind.

Am I the first third? or last third? Why thirds? Shouldn’t it be halves?

Number 2 looked confident and carried on.

“Daddy has one third”.

“Mummy has another third”.

I interjected at this point, “who is the third?” I wanted to be sure that we had not mistaken halves for thirds, or quarters, or some other fraction.

“pizza”. Was the rapid reply.

I guess that the maths lesson was a success.

And i suppose should feel special that i did feature in the top 3.

proud display of my fathers day cards