breakfast cereal wars – revenge – part 2

well, we thought that the 2 kids had outgrown their cereal turf war (see Breakfast cereal wars & Breakfast cereal wars – revenge).

nearly 3 years later they are still at it.

number 2 has just gone away with the school for a week. the house was a bit uncharacteristically quiet.

we opened one of the lesser used cupboard doors to get something or other, and hey presto…

another cunning hiding place for the cereals

number 2 was hiding a secret reserve stash of cereals for when she comes back.

breakfast cereal wars – revenge

No 1 didn’t realise that there were actually some chocolate cereals left. But she obviously realised that she went quite a few days without her choco fix.

No 2 even managed not to tell No 1 about her cunning plan.

Sitting with No 2 again at the breakfast table. No idea where No 1 is at breakfasts.

“Oh my goodness!”

The soap worked.

“Look what she’s done!”

The packet was in the normal place in the cupboard and everything looked OK to me.

“She glued the top of the cereal packet to make it look like it’s not opened!”

There’s hope for No 1 after all.