Summer company day out

Often in the summer companies look for ways to enhance moral and team spirit.

Bizarrely, corporate leaders think people who don’t really want to spend time together in an office on a regular basis, will much prefer to spend time together in a forced activity that no-one wants to do, which tends to not only happen in office hours but also spills over into what would be their free time. strange this doesn’t usually send moral sky high…

Everyone does it but no-one really likes it.

It was decided that our department should go for a day on the river, punting.

excellent planning made sure it was a lovely sunny day, almost the hottest day since records began.

We had the usual team bonding presentations in a stuffy room with inadequate natural light and then headed to the water having been suitably motivated by the offer of free drinks and a picnic. But mainly the free drink.

It was going so well, we had the punts, most of us were on board…


At least the beer was safe!

and for a short while moral went through the roof. for almost everyone.

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