on the spectrum

it’s funny how the kids pick up new phrases and words. I suppose it is part of a wider learning experience and peer group socialising that broadens their horizons. and the internet that exposes them to more stuff even earlier…

at the dinner table we often have a discussion over the evening meal. and with the kids it can cover quiet varied topics.

on one of these occasions all of a sudden number 1 pipes up

“Dad’s on the spectrum”

“so true” number 2 was in full agreement

“what spectrum is that?” I was curious to find out, if it was about an early computer they were talking about. even though I haven’t owned one of those for many, many years. www.wikipedia.org/ZX_Spectrum

“the spectrum, duh. don’t you know what that is!” was number 2’s statement.

using my best self-control I only asked, in my head, that if I did know I wouldn’t have asked the question…

“autistic. you are definitely well on the spectrum.” number 1 clarified.

“yeah. le-git on the spectrum.” number 2 confirmed.

“you love numbers” was the first piece of evidence offered up by number 1.

“you are always doing Sudoku”

just passing time in the train to work…

“and, just look at the Tupperware cupboard” number 2 pulled open a kitchen draw.

“you always keep your keys in your right hand side trouser pocket”

“and what about trying to arrange the herb and spice jars in alphabetical order?”

“you are even try to hide it” number 1 was on a roll.

“but we know what you are doing”

“you make us change places at the dinner table every day”

“so that you make us think that you are not worried about not sitting in the same place every time”.

“but we know that you are trying to hide it” number 1 was very sure of her logic.

I think this is very unfair on people who are genuinely autistic, where ever they are on the spectrum. as I am obviously not on the spectrum.




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