The Wife and I do share some hobbies and passions. one of them is up-cycling stuff we find on our wanders. most of our garden structures are made from up-cycled bits and pieces that people have discarded.
one afternoon the Wife came back after a journey and said in a rather sheepish voice,
“I’ve found something unusual in the street”
I’m not sure if this was her intention, but for the Wife to say something is unusual got me wondering what this could be. Not necessarily wondering in a good way. More with a large dose of trepidation.
Images of wounded animals, a dog or a deer, ran through my mind. perhaps another surf board. perhaps some iron gates that we didn’t need.
I have learnt to cope with these situations, by blocking out all thoughts and breathing very deeply. plus i had the rain pipe to repair to take my mind of things.
Later that day I was going to take a bit of a rest in the hammock when I was confronted with a new addition in the garden.

I wasn’t quite expecting to have an afternoon nap with the Virgin Mary watching over me. with what appeared to be a slight disapproving look.

The Wife said it was just in the street. So she took it so that it wouldn’t get damaged. And it would only be temporary until we found its owner…
But who misplaces the a metre tall Virgin Mary? and why was it the Wife who found it?