engineer friends

3 weeks BC (Before Coronavirus) we managed to get away with some old friends from way back. Our annual winter half-term get away to the mountains. One of the fathers, Alan, is a bit of an engineer and likes to be very precise. He gets on very well with the Wife. They both like making xls lists and tables. Generally to calculate the holiday expenses, usually comparing formulas and discussing the variables according to age of the children, calorie consumption and so on . They seem to find it enthralling.

We got to the mountain cabin, where  we could finally check out the layout in real life. The 3 couples had a bedroom each and usually the rooms are taken on a first come basis. If you drive slowly you get the room that is left.

Unfortunately this time we all arrived at the same time! we are now all too old to make a mad dash up the stairs to get to the rooms first. So we had to come to a civilized way to select the rooms. The very large bedroom with the huge en-suite with bath was everyone’s favourite.

We decided that a lucky dip was the fairest way to select the rooms.

Alan, took it upon himself to prepare the bits of paper.

He was very precise and exact with the indication of each room. Just so there was no confusion over which room was which.

we didn’t get that huge en-suite.

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