i like going to the supermarket. not because i don’t go very often. but because i like to check out the offers. how the stuff is displayed to attract those unsuspecting shoppers and lure them into buying something they didn’t want, or buying twice as much as they needed only to throw it away before they could use it. I keep a look out for a new gondola end display. or the multi buy that might not be as cheap as the three single packs. loads to keep up to date with.
i try to go with the kids. make it a bit of a trip. and they can help guard our collection of bags-for-life hanging off the trolley.
our local supermarket is next to a big industrial site, and the clientele might not be the most salubrious of specimens. Mick McManus would think twice about starting anything in this place.
on this occasion number 2 was with me. a tiny little four year old. she is a bit of a wanderer and you have to keep tabs on her or else she will go off the well ordered route and cause chaos. she’ll miss the fruit and veg and go straight to the meats. then to the cereals. then back to the veg. its like driving around the M25 on the wrong side.
utter chaos.
this time we were making good progress. and not too many child induced impulse purchases.
we had just got to the pasta section, when number 2 stops in the middle of the isle. and declares in her outside voice “I’ve made a decision”.
that was interesting, but had also managed to get the attention of the dozen or so people in the isle. I think we had just stumbled upon a local chapter of the Hells Angels gang. or a tattoo convention. or both.
but i was quite proud that my little tot knew a complicated word like “decision”. I think her audience was also quite impressed.
“i have decided we are leaving this shop”. number 2 was very certain. The on lookers, and myself, were curious as to the reason.
“there are too many ugly people here”
Four year olds don’t really know what they are saying. and they often struggle to fully explain what they mean. the English language is very complex.
well. we did leave.
very quickly.
and didn’t go back for several weeks. and not on that day of the week.