breakfast cereal wars

We can’t get the kids to stop eating Chocolatey breakfast cereals and eat something healthier. This might not be the biggest issue but it causes a bit of myther when it runs out and one of them can’t get their fix in the morning. And the only other option is some of The Wife’s organic muesli (without chocolate but usually has some sort of life enhancing berry). Which isn’t really an option.

I’m sitting at the breakfast table with No2 one morning. She’s pretty narked.

“do you know what she did!”

“but I know how she thinks”

That is actually quite worrying. There are two of them like that.

“she can’t trick me”

No2 is now looking a bit smug.

“She thinks that by hiding the cereals behind the pasta I won’t find it”

True, Baldrick could have done better.

cereal hidden

“Well, I’ll hide it under the potatoes. She’ll never look there”

The only issue is that now The Wife is complaining that her Goji berry muesli is running out.

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