We were having a pleasant family diner. The four of us chomping away and generally having an attempt at a topical discussion. Apparently, experts think this is good for a healthy family. The wife likes to call it “family bonding time”.
We were happy chatting away when #2 diverts off on a tangent.
“I hate being the middle child” #2 stated quite firmly. With a hint of sadness.
The Wife, #1 and myself looked at each other wondering where this was going to go.
Now as far as the rest of us were concerned we thought that there were only 4 of us in the family. And if #2 was the youngest… It is a bit confusing to see where child #3 is.
“I’m always forgotten”
“you give #1 more time than me as she was first.”
“and the youngest is always getting more attention as she’s the baby of the family”
“I’m just squashed in the middle. I hate it”
Now we were really confused as how did our youngest, #2, think that there was another younger sibling in the house?
Number 1 asked “where is this other younger child?” we were thinking the same thing.
“it’s not fair” lamented #2. “I wish I wasn’t the middle child”.
#2 went on for a bit but we just ignored it.