Anyone fancy a cuppa

Gran is great. Except she spoils the kids rotten. Lets them eat in front of the telly. They stay up later than they should. Pretty much any whim the kids have Gran will obey. And Grandad just stands by and lets it happen. All our hard fought discipline goes out the window. Plus, it wasn’t like that for me.

Anyway, Gran was at ours visiting. We had just got a new kettle. A little bit of a designy one, nothing too flash but a bit retro. It matched the toaster. A sort of light olive green. The Wife likes it. The lid is a bit finicky to get on and off to fill with water. But a small price to pay to have a bit of peace.

Suddenly hear a bit of a commotion from the kitchen.

Gran is looking a bit sheepish.

“I’m not sure what I was thinking about. I was concentrating on the kids.”

Can’t actually see the kids, but they’re probably OK. We would have heard them if they weren’t.

“It’s a confusing design”

“I knew it doesn’t go on the gas. I even pressed the on button”.

“I’m surprised the fire alarm didn’t go off”. Me too.

kettle 2





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