Therapeutic robot pet

I was at a trade fare in Germany. Doing some essential market scoping and competitor analysis. The suggestion that I needed to get away on a company jolly is completely unfounded.

I must have made a wrong turn as I ended up in a huge hall full of people selling hospital beds.

The first bed is a bit interesting. After 3 or 4 it gets a bit difficult.

While trying to collect the cool free-bees, which is tough in a hospital bed convention, I stumbled on a really weird stand.

It wasn’t even clear why it was in a bed trade fare.

It had to be Japanese. And they had been doing serious research to validate their claims.


If you are feeling a bit lonely the robotic seal will respond to your commands.

It doesn’t really do much. It only flaps about and nods its head.

Apparently it helps lonely people.

A sort of giant Tamagtotchi.

Perhaps when you are in a hospital you need a seal to keep you company?


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