main characters in this blog

I promised to all those involved it would be anonymous. It will be. But my colleagues know the alias I will be using. And some of the material. They even came up with the name of the blog. There won’t be anything incriminating.

My wife is quite concerned. Particularly over the moniker I’ll use for her – The Wife.

I still don’t understand how they work…

Comes from my Northern upbringing. She thinks it continues the objectification of woman kind and signals the inequality and oppression that women still have to fight against. I was just born in a shabby part of the North.

My kids are just very embarrassed. But the mere fact that I am alive is embarrassing. They think they will be called Muppet and Puppet. I think the eldest is starting to work out that it isn’t necessarily because they are cute. I usually refer to them as No.1 and No.2.

Anyone else will have their name changed.

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