Glamorous Gardening

Since we moved out of the big city to a home with a garden, The Wife has discovered her green fingers.

This came a bit slowly but has been gathering pace and growing in confidence. so much so that no opportunity to wield a pair of secateurs is missed.

even though we have had  our garden for a few years, The wife can’t let go of some of the big city habits.

Gardening has to be done in the correct attire, and you can’t look too scruffy. just in case someone might pop round and see you.

but sometimes the shoes have to be a bit more sensible…

labels on the Tupperware – it’s not OCD, it’s just easier…

we are going through a bit of a baking and pudding making phase at the moment. this is all very wholesome and healthy, but it has started to have some unintended consequences.

The kitchen larder is starting to get overcrowded with the various cake making ingredients. Plain flour, wholemeal flour, bread flour, self-raising flour, baking powder, yeast, regular sugar, caster sugar, jam sugar and so on.

This came to a head at the weekend and The Wife had to take drastic action.

To avoid confusion and help with easily identifying the various ingredients she let her supressed OCD-ness take over…


Unfortunately, the labelling machine ran out of labels, so The Wife had to improvise.

In a feeble attempt to divert attention away from her OCD-ness she tried to joke that the mishmash of labels with their; misalignment, non-standard colour groupings and mixture of fonts would really annoy me. like we noticed all of that.

We all agreed very politely. and thought that it would make things much easier. for all of us.