dad’s birthdays

I have had a patchy relationship with my birthdays.  When the kids were younger it was sweet as I would get homemade cards and gifts. With odd spellings of various words.

But as time has passed things have slackened off and become a bit hit and miss.

I am not one to make much of a fuss and seek attention, but one year the day came and went without any mention. a week passed and still nothing.

Then about a month later the wife mentioned, “it is your birthday quite soon, what do you fancy this year?”

Without missing a beat I replied “it was actually 1 month ago. but if you are planning a present for next year I would fancy a new drill.”

The wife then started to blame me for not reminding her and letting it pass without mentioning it! Obviously I don’t remind her about it as I would get into even more trouble.

This year the kids made me a special cake. They have been learning to cook and decided to surprise me (I think they call it food tech now-a-days).

It was lovely and actually tasted really good. a chocolate and cream roulade.

Fortunately, they got the age a bit wrong and took at least ten years off my age.

I could almost be a millennial.

this year there was a special message. all modern and by video.