Pete, a long serving member of the team always seems to find these really useful self help lists on the internet. And share them with us. I do wonder that if he actually put some of it into practice he might not be in our team. Unless this is his perverse idea of success. link to article
Email chain below.
From: Pete
Sent: xx xx xxxx 10:48
To: SIP Team
Subject: 14 Things successful people do before breakfast….
I knew I must be going wrong somewhere…. 🙂
Paint-by-numbers success
Don’t rich people just give the best advice? The wealthy & powerful folks at Davos provided a handy list of 14 things successful people do before breakfast.
And they’ll only take 3.5+ hours every AM.
From: Axel
Sent: xx xx xxxx 11:55
To: Pete, SIP Team
Subject: RE: 14 Things successful people do before breakfast….
Well. I think I do most of this…
Wake up early – often by child who had a nightmare/urgent Christmas list thoughts/lost teddy bear/erroneously thought it was school time 3 hours early
Drink water – can’t afford orange juice so water only option
Exercise – cycle to station
Business project – proof read the current report from the team for the millionth time in train
Personal project – work out how to keep wife off Groupon
Quality time with family – try to tell child to go to her own bed, nicely
Connect with Spouse – forlornly attempt “connecting manoeuvres” in the morning but doomed to failure as The Wife is “not a morning person”
Make bed – reclaim my pillow that was stolen during the night by The Wife
Network over coffee – talk to AMT staff while buying coffee at station
Meditate – try to relax as station announcement that train is delayed/cancelled
Grateful list – ?
Plan and strategise – given up trying to do this as everything turns to sh!te anyway
Email – in train. But depends if train wifi is working. Usually not.
Read news – read gossip pages in Metro if I can get a seat on Tube.
From: Mike
Sent: xx xx xxxx 11:55
To: Pete, Axel, SIP Team
Subject: RE: RE: 14 Things successful people do before breakfast….
I am reliably informed that this is a very similar routine to prison…